Sunday, December 14, 2014

What did I just say?

Did you ever have a conversation with your child that left you shaking your head? Not because of what they said. Rather, I'm talking about those moments when you just shake your head and laugh because of what you said.
That happens to me fairly often.

I'm a little bit ashamed to admit that there was a fly living in my bathroom for several days. I don't know what kept it alive. I was kind of hoping that if I ignored it long enough, it would just die or go away. After nearly a week I determined that it had to be dealt with. So naturally I turned to Carter, my thirteen year old daughter. She's much more handy with a fly swatter than I am. My hand-eye coordination? Nil.

Carter The Fly Killer
"There's a fly in our bathroom," I explained, "I want you to go in there with a fly swatter and shut the door, and don't come out until one of you is dead.  Preferably the fly."


I don't know. It just came out.

What odd thing have you heard yourself say to your child?


  1. Ha. In my life, it's my child that says the odd things, at least from my perspective. Sometimes I fear I'll utter something in frustration that I'll regret later, so I blurt out nonsense syllables: "Aglabuttledebam", but less intelligible.

    In our house, I'm the fly-killer and my daughter is deathly afraid of them. ;-)

    1. My kids say plenty to amuse me, too. :)
      I love your random word. I may just make that my new favorite word.
